Railroad Merit Badge

Boy Scouts of America has recognized a Railroading Merit Badge since 1952, and our Niles Canyon Railway has hosted a Scouting program since 2007. We supported many half-day merit badge study sessions and occasional full-day programs to help Scouts complete their Railroading Merit Badge or Council Badge.

How do things work?

For many years, the Niles Canyon Railway was fortunate to have BSA certified instructors who could lead the program. As happens with almost all volunteer organizations, those resources are no longer with us. Therefore, the expectation now is that the Council/Troop will provide the RR Merit Badge counselors while the Niles Canyon Railway will provide the site and necessary volunteers to support the counselors and scouts while on property.

The local Mission Peak District has put together this great “How to sponsor a Railroad Merit Badge Program with the Niles Canyon Railway” document. We share it at the link below in PDF to use as a guide to help organize your Railroad Merit Badge program in cooperation with us.

Railroad Merit Badge – How to Guide (PDF)

Please read through that document, start your planning and make sure to contact us to reserve a time.

Thanks, and we look forward to helping your troop make your Railroad Merit Badge Program a success.