Our Steam Department volunteers had a very busy end of 2022 working on the restoration of Southern Pacific steam locomotive #1744 while also working on other projects around the shop including the annual inspections of Skookum #7 and Clover Valley Lumber Co. #4. Here are a series of photographs that highlight some of the work undertaken on the 1744 during the fourth quarter of 2022. Please look for new updates coming soon in 2023!
Our Steam Department volunteers had a very busy end of 2022 working on the restoration of Southern Pacific steam locomotive #1744 while also working on other projects around the shop including some infrastructure work, maintenance items on Skookum #7 and Clover Valley Lumber Co. #4, and continuing to move parts of SP #2479 from Santa Clara to Niles Canyon. Here are a series of photographs that highlight some of the work undertaken on the 1744 and around the shop during the fourth quarter of 2022. Please look for new updates coming soon in 2023!
While we have you… 2023 is shaping up to be a busy year with the 1744 along with SP #2479 restoration work. The 1744’s boiler work is planned to continue and hopefully accelerate. This means we will need to purchase more parts including 1400+ new staybolts that need to be machined. To help us with the cost of that work, please consider a donation today to our ongoing SP #1744 fundraiser.
Machining #1744’s spring packs.Hand grinding before machine grinding the engineer’s side pad weld.