As has been our yearly tradition for many years, the Niles Canyon Railway hosts a picnic and train ride on the 4th of July for its members and guests. This year was no exception with somewhere over 150 people in attendance. They enjoyed a great BBQ lunch in the Sunol Depot Gardens, and a train ride which took the train from Sunol all the way east to the new end of track at Happy Valley Bridge then all the way west to Niles only to then return to Sunol.
As has been our yearly tradition for many years, the Niles Canyon Railway hosts a picnic and train ride on the 4th of July for its members and guests. This year was no exception with somewhere over 150 people in attendance. They enjoyed a great BBQ lunch in the Sunol Depot Gardens, and a train ride which took the train from Sunol all the way east to the new end of track at Happy Valley Bridge then all the way west to Niles only to then return to Sunol.
We want to thank our Commissary Department and Operating Department for offering their services to make our 4th of July event a success. We also want to thank everyone that came out in support of another one of our unique volunteer events. Interested in being able to participate in events like this? Please consider joining us today.
Here are some photos of the days activities thanks to NCRy volunteers Mike Pechner, Matt Petach, and Jim Evans. All images used with permission.
Getting setup in the Sunol Gardens including our newly built mobile BBQ. Photo by Mike PechnerCorn shucking crew hard at work. Photo by Matt PetachLunch is served with a helping of great conversation… Photo by Jim EvansOur Commissary Leader, Doug Debs, on the right talks things over with one of our members. Doug puts a HUGE amount of effort into our picnics, and he deserves an extra special thank you for all of his hard work. Photo by Jim EvansServing up lunch… Photo by Jim EvansLunch is served… Photo by Jim EvansLunch is served… Photo by Jim EvansSeveral awards are given out at the picnic each year. Volunteer, Mark Whitman, was the recipient of the Whistle Award for all of his contributions to the organization including leading our tree trimming team and Train of Lights parking team. Photo by Matt PetachVolunteer, Bob Pratt, was given the Volunteer of the Year award by PLA President, Henry Baum, for all of his contributions across the organization. Photo by Matt PetachGroup photo of many of the participants. Hard to get everyone together! Photo by Matt PetachTime for a train ride… Photo by Mike PechnerHeading east… Photo by Mike PechnerVerona Road going under the Union Pacific… Photo by Mike PechnerNewly ballasted and hardened track out east… Photo by Mike PechnerHappy Valley Bridge in sight at MP 39… Photo by Mike PechnerPulling up to Happy Valley Bridge… Photo by Mike PechnerConductor, Warren Haack, calls for a quick brake test after changing locomotives before heading west… Photo by Mike PechnerSP #5623 at Happy Valley Bridge… Photo by Mike PechnerSP#5623 at Happy Valley Bridge looking west… Photo by Mike PechnerThe train ready to head back west at MP 39… Photo by Mike PechnerLong time volunteer, Steve Coon, was able to join the festivities. Steve has been making a great recovery after a recent accident while working on some home repairs. We were glad to have Steve back with us! Photo by Matt PetachHeaded west to Niles… Photo by Mike Pechner